General information
The sustainability statement presents Hydro’s governance and
performance related to material sustainability topics, including
detailed performance indicators (sustainability metrics).
This general information section presents identified material
sustainability related impacts, risks, and opportunities, and Hydro’s
principles for sustainability reporting which form the basis for
preparation of the sustainability statements.
Principles for sustainability reporting
The purpose of Hydro's reporting is to provide stakeholders with a
fair and balanced picture of relevant aspects, engagements,
practices, and results for 2023. The sustainability statement is
prepared on the same consolidated basis as the financial statements.
The basis for preparation of sustainability information that relates to
business relationships in non-consolidated entities, including Hydro’s
upstream or downstream value chain, is clearly identified as such.
The sustainability statement is approved by the Board of Directors.
Statutory reporting and reporting standards
Hydro’s sustainability statement is prepared in compliance with the
Norwegian Accounting Act and other applicable regulations.
Disclosures required by the Norwegian Equality and Anti-
Discrimination Act are included in Own workforce. Disclosures
required by the Australian Modern Slavery Act 2018, the UK Modern
Slavery Act 2015 and the Norwegian Transparency Act 2021 are
provided in the chapters Human Rights, Own Workforce, Workers in
the value chain and Affected communities.
Hydro reports in accordance with the GRI Standards and the
requirements of the International Council on Mining and Metals
(ICMM). Please see the GRI index at
In 2023, Hydro has changed and restructured its sustainability
disclosures based on the EU Corporate Sustainability Reporting
Directive (CSRD) and the applicable European Sustainability
Reporting Standards (ESRS). See the section on Reporting changes
on this page for an overview of what these changes entail. Hydro will
report in compliance with the implementation schedule of the CSRD
and applicable ESRS in the 2024 annual report.
Reporting scope and disclosures in relation to
specific circumstances
The sustainability statement covers the period January 1 to
December 31, 2023. Operations sold or demerged during the year
are not included, unless specified. Health and safety, and headcount
metrics for previously consolidated operations are included in the
historical data for the period the unit was owned by Hydro. Climate
and environmental metrics for new operations or operations acquired
during the reporting year are included for the year in full as well as in
historical data unless otherwise mentioned. Data from discontinued
or closed down operations are included for the part of the reporting
period it was under operation, unless otherwise stated. Minority
owned operations are not included in the consolidated metrics.
Reporting systems
Metrics for climate change, energy, pollution, water, resource use
and waste, and certain data on biodiversity are collected using
Hydro’s environmental reporting system on an annual basis. Metrics
for health and safety of Hydro’s own workforce are collected using
the reporting systems for incident reporting, IMS and Synergi.
Diversity and other metrics relating to Hydro’s own workforce are
collected from Hydro’s SAP system and Hydro’s employee
engagement survey, Hydro Monitor. Data for workers in the value
chain and affected communities are based on Hydro’s due diligence
processes and data collected from the business areas, procurement
teams, and Group Internal Audit, and Investigations’ overview of
alerts reported to line management, supporting staff functions, and
Hydro’s AlertLine. Data for consumers and end users are based on
customer satisfaction studies, including product quality, on-time
delivery, and concession and claims statistics. Additional metrics are
calculated by corporate functions based on third party data.
Basis for preparation and limitations
The basis for calculation and presentation of sustainability metrics is
described in the notes to the respective metrics, including information
on whether the metrics are measured directly or estimated based on
sources such as third-party data or sector averages. Metrics are
collected from Hydro’s operational units relying on local management
systems and are typically based on process data systems,
measurements, calculations, and purchasing data. Controls are
performed to ensure that the information is complete and accurate.
However, the scope of the sustainability statement and the absence
of generally accepted reporting standards and practices for certain
data may result in uncertainties in the reported information. The
notes to the chapters on each material sustainability topic includes
information on sources of estimation or outcome uncertainty.
Reporting changes and prior reporting errors
Hydro’s sustainability disclosures in the Annual Report 2023 has
been restructured based on the CSRD and ESRS. The changes
• Updated materiality assessment: Hydro’s assessment of
material sustainability topics was updated in 2023 based on the
ESRS. See the Materiality assessment section for more detail.
• Restructuring the sustainability disclosures: Sustainability
disclosures are included in a dedicated sustainability statement
in the annual report. The sustainability statement follows the
structure required by the ESRS.
• Introducing this section on general information, corresponding to
the structure and disclosure requirements in the ESRS 2
• Reporting on ESRS topical standards: A summary of Hydro’s
assessment of material impacts, risks and opportunities (IRO) in
relation to each ESRS topical standard is included in this
general information section. Details on identified IROs for each
material sustainability topic, including related due diligence and
stakeholder engagement activities, are presented under the
heading “why it matters” in the chapter corresponding to each
material sustainability topic. The chapter on each material
sustainability topic includes a section on “our approach,” which
presents Hydro’s policies, strategy, actions, targets and metrics
in relation to the sustainability topic.
• Including sustainability metrics in the management report:
Material sustainability metrics and indicators that were
presented in the appendix to the 2022 annual report, are now
included in the sustainability statement as part of Hydro’s
management report, which is approved by the Board of
• Including a content index with ESRS Disclosure Requirements
alongside our GRI index, available at
Several minor changes that are not directly related to the ESRS,
have also been made to the sustainability statement. This primarily
comprises increased disclosures and the addition of more
sustainability metrics, including:
• The sustainability chapters corresponding to material
sustainability topics identified in 2022 have been reorganized