utr-2009:t utr-2009:MWh iso4217:USD 254900ARU0VC1WY6GJ71 2020-01-01 2020-12-31 254900ARU0VC1WY6GJ71 2019-01-01 2019-12-31 254900ARU0VC1WY6GJ71 2018-01-01 2018-12-31

XBRL International Inc.

Ficticious Annual sustainability report.

Green House Gas Emissions

Progress report

We continue to have very few green house gas emissions of our own. However, as our staff do remote work, we suspect our Scope 3 emissions are quite high but data protection prevents us from recording it at the moment. Our remaining emissions come from suppliers of various services including cloud computing As we have very low emissions anyway, our emissions are not lower than last year.

We have used two different organisations to purchase carbon offset credits, firstly PlantsAndTrees who are local to our operations here in Leyland. They have a number of land areas in Sweden and Canada that contain the forestry related to our certified offsets. The second organisation is called OffsetFinance and they are also a registered trading platform but cannot tell us exactly where or how our offsets are being sourced so we are reviewing our future relationship with them.

Please see the 2020 financial accounts for related information and further context.

2020 2019 2018
Green House Gas Emissions300288205.0
Carbon offset300280200

Energy Consumed

2020 2019 2018
Total energy consumption (MWh)150012341073
- From renewable sources (MWh)15001049536.5
- From non-renewable sources (MWh)0185536.5


2020 2019 2018
(thousands of USD)
Cost of carbon offsetting11.806.722.10
Cost of energy70.0052.0144.13
- Cost of renewable energy70.0042.4821.67